Monday, October 4, 2010

ICE AV's HoloDesk The Future of Digital Software Control

You've all seen holographic displays before, they are very prevalent in Hollywood movies and often now used by news anchors and sports casters on television. However, they aren't quite as prevalent in the musical performance scene. Kevin Andreassend is the inventor of the HoloDesk and he's looking to change that. Kevin was kind enough to leave a comment on ZeSoundSuite and helped me promote this place by linking ZSS to some of his sites. I figured I would return the favor by doing some research on the HoloDesk and preparing a post for all of you to enjoy.

ICE AV is a company from the New Zealand that has created the HoloDesk for DJ's and digitally based performers. The HoloDesk is a holographic 2D touch sensitive display that projects images on both sides of the unit. This gives the audience a front row seat to whatever is being displayed on the HoloDesk. The crowd can now see all the madness the DJ or Performer is manipulating in their software during the show. Obviously the HoloDesk can be put to more uses than just DJing but for now being that it's so new to the market that's all we have a preview to at the moment. The HoloDesk can convert your hands touch into MIDI messages which can then be sent into your DJ software to manipulate the various parameters and controls.  Imagine being able to see exactly what the DJ is doing as they're doing it. The HoloDesk has the ability to connect the artist and the crowd in new ways never before thought of. A live performance is all about the connection and the HoloDesk will certainly be that link between performers and audiences as it gains popularity in the industry.

Currently you have to purchase a DIY kit to get your own HoloDesk but, a plug & play complete version from ICE AV is in the works currently.  However, a DIY kit does give you the advantage of choosing from a variety of options ICE AV offers.  There's no doubt within a few years we will all of seen this live and in use as DJ's & Performers from around the world are itching to get their own HoloDesk.   ICE AV is even working on a 10.2" LCD Touchscreen computer running Windows 7 for use with DJ Software as well.   The basic function of the HoloDesk is simple, you touch it and your computer responds just like any other MIDI Controller. The difference being that this is coolest looking most epic MIDI Controller ever created! If you're interested in a HoloDesk you can contact ICE AV Directly or do some more research on your own at their website. Check out this video of a user putting Traktor Pro to work with the HoloDesk and you'll understand why the the HoloDesk is indeed the future of live performance!

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